Sunday, October 31, 2010


Today is Halloween!!! Yay my favorite holiday of the year (well one of many I should say).  This morning Mark and I met Jenny, Matt and the kids at church.  The kids were all dressed up and looked sooo cute.  The talk at church was amazing as usual.  It was my brother in law Matts first time at my church.  He always gives me crap talking about my church so much... and guess what?  HE LIKED IT ALOT!!! Which I knew he would!  This series is a little scary but soo good.  It's called "The End is Near".  Can't wait for the next 3 weeks.  :)
So today, Mark and I bummed around on the couch and watched football.  I took a little cat nap a small portion of the day. I have been back on my Pain Killers... My knee is super swollen from playing at the Corn Maze.   Now it is 8:00 and we are all out of candy! haha  We actual ran out awhile ago and I made Mark give some of his fruit snacks! hehe He said.. "who would want to get a fruit snack trick or treating".. I sure would!  We are now watching the World Series... Texas and San Fran.  I am about ready to go into my room and watch Sisters Wives.  Not sure why... but I love that show!!!  Makes me feel more normal I guess.
Also today, after church... I decided to deactivate my Facebook and Blog instead.  You just get nosey people on Facebook that dont care about you. So we will try this.  :)

Well off to watch my reality tv!  :)

(Here are some pictures from Mariahs Halloween party last weekend)