Thursday, November 18, 2010

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors

I feel like I have been spending lots and lots of time with doctors lately!!!  The place I go for my knee... I know the front desk girls like they are my sisters!!!  I love them!!!  They always smile when I come in and we chit chat for awhile about whats been going on in our daily lives! haha  They always ask if I am pregnant yet!  The only reason they know we are trying is because when I first injured myself... I thought I was maybe pregnant and I couldn't get an MRI until I knew for sure I was or was not pregs.  I am still going to Physical Therapy once a week.  The therapist said my knee is getting better... but we still have a ways to go.  :(

Last Friday I went and had an ultrasound done on my Ovaries, per the doctors request.  I stressed about it over the (seemed to be long) weekend.  Got to work on Monday and received my results around 10ish.  Apparently, my follicles look good but they found a couple cysts on my ovaries.  And she requested I have another ultrasound done the following day.  So Wednesday... I trucked back in there and had another Ultrasound.  Received the results the next day and my doctor now wants me to come in Friday (tomorrow) and have them looked at.  AHHHH One other thing to add to the long list!!!!
So I will post this weekend and let you know whats going on!  :)